Teen Vogue Fashion University Day 3:
Graduation, shopping, exploring New York
Day three was graduation day! This day is the shortest day of the whole weekend when it comes to Teen Vogue activities.
The first thing we did was watch the documentary The Editors Eye. It showcased the Vogue editors of the present and past. The documentary was very informational but also entertaining. If you haven't seen it yet then you should for sure check it out. It really gives you an inside look into what Vogue is and what being an editor is really like.
A lot of people have a set idea of what a fashion editor is. {AKA Miranda Priesly from The Devil Wears Prada.} However they really do so much more then that.
The Outfit:
After the film they brought out Phyllis Posnick an editor from Vogue. Her seminar included mainly answering questions that were sent in along with taking questions from the audience. The funny thing about Phyllis was that she was very straight forward. Which I liked. She didn't dance around any question she just gave her true opinion. It was bold and I think some people were shocked. However, I think some people needed to hear the true and honest answer to their questions.
After that was graduation! Graduation basically consists of waiting in line to take a picture with your diploma. However its still cool!
My lovely diploma.

They gave us a free Baked by Melissa cupcake! It was quite delicious. I highly suggest you get some while you are in New York. And lets be honest they are just adorable in general.
{What is with me and selfies with small desserts? I couldn't tell you.}
Later that day I ended up going to Baked by Melissa to get myself some much deserved cupcakes. I got a variety of different flavors including chocolate chip pancake, cookie dough, red velvet, and others.
I passed this sign on my journey around the city. Got to love an iconic paper like the Wall Street Journal.
After exploring the city and hitting up Rockefeller center, J Crew, Free People, and some more of Time Square we headed back to Newark and got on a plane all the way back to Des Moines.
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